Yoga with Cybèle
Wednesday, June 21, 7-9:30 pm
Berkeley Yoga Center
2121 Bonar Street, Berkeley, CA
Let's gather as women in joyful celebration of the longest day of the year. We'll come together to collectively honor this special day that is powered by our great star, the Sun. Through movement and dance, accompanied by incredible music and song from around the world, we'll let loose and revel in our own unique life as well as all life on our beautiful planet Earth. We'll conclude with sacred ritual, witnessing one another as we are naming our blessings, celebrating our achievements, and giving thanks.
To register, contact: cybeleb@hotmail.com
$45-$105 donation
When you donate, please indicate that it's for the Summer Solstice Dance
ALL Contributions/Donations can be made to support BYC
Via Venmo @Berkeley-YogaCenter
Via PayPal at mgreenyoga@gmail.com
Or check, made payable to Berkeley Yoga Center
Your Practice Can Help Others: Fundraiser to Save Lives in India
Online Yin Yoga & Pranayama Workshop
Saturday, May 15, 2021, 2-4:30 pm
As you are no doubt aware, the Covid situation in India is horrific. You have probably seen some of the distressing images of rows of funeral pyres, people collapsing in lines waiting for treatment, and other equally heart-rending scenes. People are desperate, and it will get worse before it gets better
A lot of energy is needed to remove the obstacles in this situation. So I'm donating all of the proceeds from my upcoming workshop to a reputable organization called AIF that is fund-raising to buy and distribute oxygen across India.
JOIN US! Boost your spring and your practice with a longer class. This will be a gentle Yin Yoga practice designed to open the lungs and support your heart. We'll devote ourselves to breath awareness throughout and breathing practices at the end. Pearls of Upanishadic wisdom to be included as you rest and relax into these meditative poses. Ideally, have props like bolster, blankets, pillows, and blocks. $35 Register here.